The pun can never get old right? Let me know when I've overdone it :). We've had a busy week here at the Just house. Todd has been out of town since Thursday afternoon, first to a youth pastor retreat (which he enjoyed very much), then straight to Hutch to call a football game Friday, then home just long enough to catch a few zzz's before we left this morning at 5:30 a.m. for Kansas City/Liberty, MO. Todd went to a conference while I spent time with Bryan and Heather in K.C. I too have had a busy week, just not as busy as Todd's with cleaning two houses, cleaning my own house to get ready to host a baby shower for a Sunday School friend, taking "O" to his Dr. and shot appointments. I have to confess I was in the same building for the shots appointment, but I left the room during the "stabbing". It was too hard for me last time so Todd took care of it this time, what a great Daddy :). As for Owen you already know he had appointments, he's now 75th% for height and 50th% for weight. He stayed in the nursurey for the first time Wednesday ni
ght and then again Thursday morning. Grandma came to visit for most of the day Friday, where she got to see his latest.... trying to escape from his bouncy seat , chewing on his socks and eating cereal (see pics and video)! And Owen will not continue to eat this way, Todd just had to see the way he ate the first time when I didn't know what I was doing ;)! Finally, Saturday he made the trip to K.C., he's a good little traveler :)! That was our week!
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